Trudy and the Captain's Cat

Trudy wobbled as she stepped onto the rocking boat.
"Steady Lass," laughed the cat. "You'll soon get your sea legs. My name's Albi, by the way. Short for Albatross. And your name would be?"
"Trudy," she said. She looked closely at the cat. His fur was long and scruffy and he moved stiffly, like an old cat.
"Have you been a sea cat long?" she asked.
"Aye," said Albi. "Longer than you've been a city cat, to be sure." He looked hungrily at the fish.
"Won't you join me for lunch?" Trudy asked politely.
"Delighted," said Albi. "But why don't we wait a bit? First let me show you around this old tub."
Trudy followed Albi across the rotting planks of the deck.
She sniffed carefully at the piles of rope and tattered nets. They smelled of salt and seaweed.

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